Shabby blog

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crazy first day back in clinic

I scheduled my patient for today about a month ago and he said that he wanted to get everything done in one day. He is a class III so I told him that he would have to come back after lunch because I couldn't get everything done in the same day.
Here are my mistakes for the day. When he called back to confirm, he said he would see me at 8:30..I didn't even think about the fact that clinic starts at 8:00...So he was late.
Second mistake, he is a chatterbox so the health history took forever while he talked about his smoking habits. And I chatted right along with him.
Third mistake, I gave him anesthetic and I knew he was really nervous about it so it kinda gave me butterflies in my stomach. I picked up the syringe and the window was down...AUTOMATIC FAIL!  I should have taken it out and turned the window around before proceeding. I realized that I really feel out of sorts when I can't see how much anesthetic is going in or how fast. So I need to always remember to set my syringe up with the window right and to always check it before. My patient was also moving his head when I was giving the injection and that made me nervous because I was afraid of where the needle was at. Instructor Perry told me that I really don't need to be giving the LB or the incisive. Right now when I am counting injections, I really count on those other injections. Another reason I will like to be graduated is that I won't  have to do things to count points, I can just do what I feel is necessary.

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