Shabby blog

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am back in business!

Today is my first day back in clinic at Weber State as a second year. I have been to the VA and it was pretty fun. I had a nice patient and it was the first time that I have had my probe sink all of the way to 9mm! It was a really good experience for me because it forced me to make sure that I didn't just haphazardly go around probing, but instead actually felt for when it stopped. I didn't judge his tissues before and think, "well this guy has healthy tissues, I bet he has all 3's and at the most 4".

Clinic at WSU was good today because we went over sharpening. I didn't sharpen my instruments like I should have last year, I think the major reason is because I didn't trust myself to do it well and I was afraid of ruining my instrument. But I want to make a new goal to have my sharpening stone out for each appt, especially perio, because there is such a huge difference between a sharp and a dull instrument. At the VA on tuesday I had a whole tray of really dull instruments. This was really frustrating because I had to put so much pressure on the tooth to try and get deposits off.

Goal: Keep my instruments sharp!!!