Shabby blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Afternoon in Tuesday clinic

This afternoon I was in Tuesday clinic because I will not be here this Thursday. I had this really sweet man who had a lot of Class V restorations that were cracked and broken with a lot of ledges. He actually had quite a bit of calculus! The ultrasonic took me a long time because I was trying to stay away from all of the composites he had in his mouth, but he still had a lot of calculus. It is hard not to judge what type of classification a patient will be when you are talking to someone on the phone, or when you choose names off of the list, and I thought for sure he was a class V patient who came in every 6 months so there wouldn't be very much calculus and it wouldn't take me very long. I was wrong on that today. He had a lot of recession and toothbrush abrasion that had left ledges in the root surface. One of the more difficult class V patients I have seen.
Another exciting thing about this patient is that he needed to premed. This is the first patient I have seen while at Weber State that I have had to do more on the health history than just 1 medication or no medications at all. I thought I was going to make it through scotch free, but that didn't happen, and I was happy for the experience.
Now I need to start thinking about the next mockboards because I do not have a patient and I am not going to be in clinic until the next mockboard seeing patients.  Well I take that back, I will be here for a LA mockboard and finishing up a class IV. But I will have to use another tuesday afternoon clinic to do screenings so I can find me a mockboard patient! Dental Hygiene gods??? Can you hear me???? Now I need your help! Thanks!

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