Shabby blog

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day from HE double hockey sticks

I hope as long as I live that I never have another day like today. Talk about stressed to the max! I had a patient and a back up patient and they canceled the night before at 10:30 pm, that didn't give me very much time to find another patient. My back up patient was my original patients husband, and he left a message and said he could come if I could get him out early, I tried calling back 4 times to tell him that he could come in, and they never answered or called back. So I called another patient when nobody showed up and she said she was on her way and she would be to the clinic by 9:00am. I waited around until 9:45 and she still didn't come...Finally at 10:15 a walk-in patient came and wanted to be seen. So I was able to complete an OD and have him scheduled.
Good things that happened today:
-Passed of peer calculus PE since I had a no show
-got another patient.
So I guess today was not as bad as I thought. I can always use new patients.

1 comment:

  1. You should add, "titled my blog post HE double hockey sticks" to your list of good things that happened today. I love it.
