Shabby blog

Monday, February 28, 2011

Another 1B

I had a patient today who had a lot of calculus, on every single tooth, but she didn't have any bone loss so she was a 1B. She had a tooth that had A LOT of recession so that quadrant was a Class II. I will take a class II! I passed of my diagnodent PE today. I am not a fan of the diagnodent because it is so inconsistent. I did the same tooth 3 different times and got 3 different numbers. I think it is good when you use it to just see if there is decay, but not to tell how far it is into the tooth.
I was a little frustrated today because I feel like I would have been able to complete my patient if I didn't have to wait for so long. I waited for about an hour for my scale check to be complete, so I couldn't go on and do anything else and my patient just had to sit in the chair. This is frustrating because first of all, it means the patient has to come back for another appointment and it also means that you have another day where you can't schedule another patient. We all feel stressed because we are all worried that we aren't going to complete our requirements due to the time, and having the same patient need another appointment takes that slot away.

1 comment:

  1. While waiting for my first scale check I just kept on scaling, so it was only a few minutes between my first scale check and my final scale check. Maybe we aren't supposed to do that, but it is how I dealt with the waiting game.
