Shabby blog

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Well folks, we are almost there. In just a few short weeks we will be graduated and hopefully have our scored from WREB. There were a lot of girls today that had our instructors check their board patients. To your girls I say you are brave! I feel like there isn't anything I can do now anyway, so why does it matter if I find out now, compared to if I find out in 3 weeks? Also, at boards 3 different examiners check the patient, and I think that is one of the things we really have going for us! But I am glad that so far the people who have had instructors check have been really happy with the results!
This morning my patient was late, like an hour late, and so I wasn't able to start scaling on her until 9:30, and then I had a retarded computer that wouldn't print. I was only able to get 1 quad done because she had to leave. What was a class III and I hope she comes back!
My afternoon patient was my first mockboard patient. I thought she would sit in the chair, do a quick ultrasonic, fine scale a little here and there and she would be good. Hoping for a class V because that would have meant that she was doing really good home care and that her mouth was improving. Alas, this was not meant to be. She still had  A TON of bleeding and quite a bit of deposit! Luckily it wasn't really old calculus and so it came off fairly easy. But I was so surprised, and slightly depressed, that she had that much deposit! It probably means that I am not doing my job like I am supposed to and she didn't fully understand how important it is for her to keep up the oral hygiene regime at home. Hopefully I can stick it in her head and she can keep up her clean mouth after this appt.
Well folks, this is the end of this blog. I need to go work on my paper for 4890 as well as my professional portfolio for 3301. Dang those papers. I know I said this earlier, but I wish I would have kept track of service stuff in 1 place for the whole 2 years. Now I have to go searching through my planners and SADHA book to find my service activities. Memo to first year students: keep you information together! Also, when you are receiving awards or licenses or anything, put it all in one place so that when Alexander wants it for your professional portfolio, it is all ready to go. Wish someone would have given me this helpful piece of advice.


  1. I agree about keeping everything all together. Bleh!

  2. Blegh, prof. port. blegh. I never do anything good or cool so I don't need any certificates right? Yeah.
