Shabby blog

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The final countdown is on!

Here I sit, with 1 more clinic day left at WSU! I won't be able to come to the last day of clinic because my sister is getting married on our last clinic day. It is a busy time! I am so grateful that I only have 1 more quad of a class III (scheduled)  and 1 more child (scheduled) to be seen until I am all done with requirements! I finished all of my PE"s about a month ago and today I finished my last arestin experience (Thanks Madi!!). I don't usually like to use arestin at school because the pt's have to pay for it and I haven't seen patients that have really benefited from using Arestin. The rep for arestin would probably hate me for saying that, maybe I just haven't seen the right kind of patient that would benefit from it.
My morning patient was a gentleman that I saw a few months ago and he wanted to get in 1 more time before I graduated. He is the sweetest guy, but he is pretty difficult because he has a ton of toothbrush abrasion and class V fillings that are chipped and broken and provide nice little nooks for bacteria to hide. He has really impeccable homecare  so he doesn't have any pockets. I love when patients I have seen before come back and I am able to build more on a patient/hygienist relationship rather then just seeing someone because I need their requirement and then I never see them again. That is one reason I am so excited about working in private practice is to be able to see patients on a continuous basis. When I have worked in offices that is my favorite part of working in a dental practice. I love having a relationship with patients.
Next week is my last time ever having to have someone check my work off, and that is slightly terrifying, and then extremely exciting!!! I am so excited to graduate and to find out about clinical boards!


  1. Amen sista... can't wait for graduation! You are so amazing! Keep up the good work!!

  2. I feel the same way about forming relationships with patients. I feel like people listen more when it's someone they know and trust.
