Shabby blog

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So much to learn, so little time. I wish I was just born with a tremendous wealth of knowledge so that I would just know everything!!! But  I guess I will just have to learn it day by day. Karen and I were together today and we took each other's vital signs (it seems like I always go first and I am the guinea pig and almost everything I do is wrong, I am making Karen go first next time). We learned that the importance of taking vital signs before anything is so that we don't go through the entire health history and then find out that we aren't going to be able to work on our patient...frustrating. We went around in a circle and each of us looked up different drugs and what their oral effects would be...not to exciting but good to learn.

Clinic was ok, but I really want to say what happened to me this weekend because it is much more exciting!!! I went down to do the hike Big Segars Hole. I drove down with my husband, Bryce and my dad. We got down to where we were supposed to be about 11:30 at night. We were driving across a river bed and KERPLUNK!!! We sunk axle deep into the mud. Since there was little we could do for the poor truck that night, we got our sleeping bags out and we had a wonderful night sleeping under the stars. The next morning we worked for hours trying to get the truck out. Luckily there was somebody staying in the campground next to us and they tried to help pull us out...unluckily we broke our rapelling rope TWICE and the truck didn't even move. But they did give my dad a ride 35 miles on a lonely dirt rode until he had service and he was able to call the tow truck. It took the tow truck 2 1/2 hours to get to us and even then they didn't have all of the equipment we needed. So we had to use our poor rapelling rope again. Obviously we made it out somehow and made it home safely, no worse for wear. Lesson learned: Don't drive into the muddy creek!!!

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